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Tania Doney

@nikki Thank you! I get the algorithm point, but I'm confused by the fact that it almost seems like it's actively discouraged. If I like your toot, I want to say 'I like your toot' as well as saying to everyone else 'Hey, look at this great toot'.

Nikki 🦔

@TaniaDoney this was mostly in response to the people coming over from twitter who had followers over there and were used to The Algorithm boosting their stuff when people liked it. Twitter had trained them into thinking that if you don't get engagement and an audience and big numbers by doing something, don't do it. I just wanted to share with my little corner of masto that it's not about that here :)

Tania Doney

@nikki Well, thanks. It's never been about big numbers for me anyway. I'm always happy just to have a chat with someone like-minded. I just like letting people know when I like what they post.

Zalasur 🐵

@TaniaDoney @nikki If you want everyone else to see it, you can boost it (the analog for the retweet).

Heck, you can like *and* boost the same post. ☺️

Tania Doney

@zalasur @nikki Yeah, I get you can do both, but some of the toots about how favouriting doesn't affect who sees it make it sound a lot like 'Oh, don't do that!' I do what I want, anyway, but it feels a bit like I'm being naughty for being polite!

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