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Bart Janssens 🇧🇪

@nikki I love the fact that liking something here does not automatically shove it into the face of my followers. Clear distinction between boost and favorite and lack of algorithms are all good things.

Nikki 🦔

@bart yes, sometimes I've been wary about liking stuff on (other places) because i knew it would have a chance of popping up on my audience's timelines who wouldn't be remotely interested in it.

Really bad way of thinking. That's a PR influencing network, not a social network!

Haukur Jónasson

@nikki @bart Agreed - in fact, I wish Mastodon didn't show any favourites to anyone else at all. Like, I shouldn't be able to see that anyone has favourited my toot, much less someone else's. If I favourite something, that's for me and nobody else.

the drymifolia collective

@Swooper @nikki @bart ah yes I think that's only in the web version, though maybe in some other apps

the drymifolia collective

@Swooper @nikki @bart I just installed Tusky from f-droid and it has bookmark as an option in the app:

Haukur Jónasson

@drymifolia @nikki @bart Cool, maybe I should switch to that, then. I like that both buttons are there, although in that case Favourite is misnamed.


@Swooper @nikki @bart Interestingly, if like counts turn you off, you can turn *them* off. At least, in the Tusky app you can.

Check out the 'Preferences' section under 'Wellbeing':

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