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Eugen Rochko

"Representatives from the Mastodon project didn’t immediately respond to an email asking if they shared the critics’ concerns."

Wait, what? I didn't receive no e-mail from Ars Technica. Where did they send it?!

23 comments | Expand all CWs
The Quantum Alpha 🇨🇦

@Gargron I mean, Mastodon isn't for open minds, as you made us understand so well...

Wouldn't expect an organized email system as well!

Eugen Rochko

@charlag @The_Quantum_Alpha He and his friends were mass-reporting a trans user and throwing some borderline transphobic comments in February so I gave them all a stern warning and they've been upset since

The Quantum Alpha 🇨🇦

@Gargron @charlag saying that there are two chromosomes combination isn't transphobic.

Shall you try to explain your side of things when we'll file a class action lawsuit.

There is currently an investigation going on in the background by local authorities for cause of discrimination.

Eugen Rochko

@The_Quantum_Alpha @charlag Do you realize threatening a lawsuit is actual grounds for termination of service (which i have the legal right to do for any reason at all)? lol

The Quantum Alpha 🇨🇦

@Gargron @charlag indeed, but we have strong reasons--and proof you condoned discrimination and harassment. It is then legally liable.

Threatening a user for termination when demanding legal justice is also considered "destruction of evidence", which is highly against the law.

Be careful, as everything you write and say may be used against you.

Thank you for your comprehension.

Eugen Rochko

I don't really care because I have nothing to add anyway but it's strange to read that sentence, then look at the 3 different mailboxes I manage (only one of which would be the "correct" channel for something like this, but I digress) and not see any such e-mail in any of them

Eugen Rochko

Mystery solved, they could not find the contact e-mail and the random guesses didn't work. I'll make the e-mail more prominent on and setup some aliases.

Eugen Rochko

@schreiblehrling Yeah, but maybe German readers are more trained to look for imprints. In anglophone circles "imprint" isn't even a common word

Andy Lundell 🙄

@gargron @schreiblehrling

As a US English speaker, I had to look up what "imprint" meant in this context.

I would have used the phrase "Contact Details" or something like that.


@Gargron If only there was some sort of distributed social network they could've contacted you on, perhaps by signing up for an account of their own.... one can dream.


@Gargron I think in translation this means "we forgot to send it buy let's say they didn't write first"

Tony Stark

Maybe they sent off to the wrong Mastodon.

Andy H3
@GargronWhere did they send it?!
To /dev/null ?

@Gargron I think they are trust trying to encourage you file a lawsuit, like I am. Fricken do it! LOL.

here is article for those you have read it.

Alex Gleason

@derek @Gargron I have commits in the repo. Technically I could sue them too.


@alex @Gargron Do it! these idiot trannys are gonna do nothing except count how many times gab users said the N-word. Soo ggggay. they really don’t have the emotional strength to get over themselves and focus on the fight and real things. constant state of virute signaling, trying to make themselves feel better about themselves to keep from offing themselves.

I just read this tranny hackers alt personality (emo) twitter account and it really is sad. very sad.

stn 🇺🇦

@Gargron lmao that's wild, honestly when I read that bit I just assumed you didn't want to wade into Gab's shitshow (which is perfectly reasonable)


@gargron did they specify in the article whether the email was sent to a Mastodon related email address? ,

Aaruni Kaushik

@Gargron may I ask for the link of the ars article in question?

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