@notroot @LauraPhillips99 I’ll check out this virtual machine thing.
@mattblaze @LauraPhillips99 👍 The idea is straightforward: you can run Windows and Mac OS on your Linux box. Or any other combination. There's performance restrictions. Most of the internet works this way, now.
@notroot @LauraPhillips99 Inconcevable.
@mattblaze @LauraPhillips99 Ooops forgot who I was replying to. Heh
@mattblaze @notroot @LauraPhillips99 I always read that word in his voice:
@mattblaze @notroot @LauraPhillips99 Not gonna lie, this gave me a laugh. Sarcasm does render well on a site where messages are called toots.
@mattblaze @LauraPhillips99 👍 The idea is straightforward: you can run Windows and Mac OS on your Linux box. Or any other combination. There's performance restrictions. Most of the internet works this way, now.