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Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

The path to bringing you a great email experience on Android devices begins with K-9 Mail, which joined the Thunderbird family earlier this summer.

As we work towards a modern redesign of desktop Thunderbird, weโ€™re also working to improve K-9 Mail as it begins its transition to Thunderbird mobile in Summer 2023.

Read more about today's new release of K-9 Mail on the Thunderbird blog:

#Android #Thunderbird #K9Mail #Email #FOSS #OpenSource

Andy McGuire ๐Ÿ•

@thunderbird excellent news! I used to really like K9 when I had on my HTC Desire.

James Tweedie

@thunderbird Look forward to testing it out. Currently using Kaiten (K10) so hoping it'll be an easy transfer process...

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

@jesperchr We WANT one as much as you do, but we will get the Android version out the door first, and then figure out how to approach a potential iOS version.

Right now it's just a matter of time and resources.

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