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We heard you fediverse!

We're no longer considering removing NSFW posts from local/public timelines by default.

Your feedback is appreciated, community consensus is crucial to our decision making.

Thank you ❤️

James Hammond

@pixelfed It's great to see Community Consensus being used to such effect!

Amiya Behera #FBPPR

@pixelfed What does it mean? People are free to post pornography??

Brol Eke


I don't need it (yet?), but as long as NSFW is blurred, it feels ok to me.

TioSolid :caramelo:

@pixelfed Tits are now legal :party_parrot:

But in all seriousness, thanks for making this a community effort!

Unperson ❌

@pixelfed Provided they are blurred / marked sensitive and users can filter or block / opt-out of seeing #NSFW content this absolutely seems like the right choice.

Unsure why removing was considered to begin with vs using content controls and letting users decide but glad to hear this has changed.

#Freedom #Choices

Matheus Fantinel

@pixelfed although I pretty much agree with this decision, I'm pretty sure Apple won't like it and will refuse publishing it to the app store if you don't have to go through hoops to enable NSFW content.

Telegram had to do it (tons of channels only viewable on web/Android), so did Reddit (official and 3rd party clients)

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