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The Spoonless Kitchen

@antimnguyen I love that there's no algorithm but this is very useful yes.

Tsumami :blobcatnomcookie:

@thespoonless @antimnguyen I’m still not understanding why so many are opposed to algorithms. I’m starting to miss the twitter algorithm. I’m not trying to scroll through thousands of irrelevant posts I’m not interested in. Not sure how any one can stand that.

The Spoonless Kitchen

@tsumami @antimnguyen The technique suggested has been effective for me. I would argue that the algorithms showed me LESS relevant content, on the other website, than I am seeing here.

I would rather scroll past innocuous but irrelevant posts for hours, over being bombarded with tens of thousands of words devoted to hatred, vitriol, and disinformation.

The Spoonless Kitchen

@tsumami @antimnguyen I will also add, the corporation blamed its algorithms for my account being marked "spam" and suspended, multiple times, when I was trying to report spam, and debunk, and report disinformation, which the algorithm actively stopped me from doing:

Here is documentation of my last suspension from Twitter, that stretched from January 28, 2022, until November 14, 2022.

Twitter Support only lifted the suspension because I sent the following evidence to reporter Alex Heath at The Verge:

Twitter Support's only response, to me, was that my account had incorrectly "automatically" been flagged as spam.

This is an outright lie as the foreign state bad actors whose COVID-19 disinformation I was attempting to fight and report were falsely reporting my account in large numbers; so it was NOT "automatic" at all!

Millions of COVID deaths happened because of Twitter's complete reliance on bad algorithms.

@tsumami @antimnguyen I will also add, the corporation blamed its algorithms for my account being marked "spam" and suspended, multiple times, when I was trying to report spam, and debunk, and report disinformation, which the algorithm actively stopped me from doing:

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