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There can be other weird things: A nice person I follow had their posts show up as notifications unlike everyone else.

Unfollowing and then refollowing seems to have corrected that


@petrockette @antimnguyen I’ve noticed that what shows as “notification from X” in Metatext shows as “X edited their post” in the web, which I think is designed to solve for “I boosted a good thing, then they edited to a bad thing, and it looks like I boosted a bad thing” (ie the reason so many of us pushed back against the idea of asking the bird site for an edit button)


@maco @antimnguyen Yes maco, that's understood.

This was something different, this was mastodon being in a bad state, where for some reason the new posts from one user were showing up as notifications for me, without having had any interaction with those posts.

Note that unfollowing them, and then following again eliminated this behavior.

I mean, omg software can have bugs. Shocking, I know!

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