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Shauna GM

@brainwane @dajb Thanks for the tag Sumana.

One of the goals of Metagov/PolicyKit is to bring alternative forms of governance to platforms. I stepped back from the team earlier this year, so I don't know if a Fediverse extension is on their radar. If it's not I might be up for building a prototype.

I'm just extremely wary of trying to build a tool without guidance from people who'd be using it. AFAIK I don't actually know anyone doing Fediverse moderation who thinks more governance will help.

Tom Resing

@shauna @brainwane I’m curious. Are you equating governance with tools for group decision making? Seems like, at least on, the kinds of tools @dajb writes about would help workers, moderators included

Doug Belshaw

@resing @shauna @brainwane Yes, I was specifically thinking about instance users having transparency rather than instance admins having an easier time (although tools for that are needed too)

Tom Resing

@dajb @shauna @brainwane one might argue that the former leads to the latter. In my experience, transparency improves experiences for most people involved

Shauna GM

@resing @dajb @brainwane Yeah sorry, I use "governance" as a catch-all term that includes both big picture leadership and decision-making but also everyday decision-making like moderation. And governance to me includes both how decisions are made as well as the transparency and contest-ability of those decisions. "Who moderates the moderators" etc.


@brainwane @dajb @shauna it’s a shame that instance Announcements don’t have an API, this would be the logical place to invite users to vote and communicate results!


@dajb @shauna @brainwane …thinking about improving integration between loomio and mastodon via metagov

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