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@dajb Personally I would be interested to see methods for ”in-app” governance, ie using ActivityPub bots and polls, to see if that would be a simpler on-ramp to instance governance.

I read somewhere that Ukuvota is shutting down though?


@dajb True that. Hopefully the Bonfire (or even Mastodon) can provide all fun voting mechanisms needed in the future.


@dajb Just sent myself down a rabbit hole of bees and votes, heh. 🐇🕳🐝


@dajb A problem with ”only” Bonfire providing such affordances is that the practices they allow wouldn’t spread as far into the fediverse as implementing them in Mastodon would. Which puts at least me back into the question of how to ”federate identity” onto other instances than your home instance. Is that even desired? Or possible?


@dajb Apparently AT addresses this with some identity layer providing a type of DID enabling nomadic identity. But apparently there are also more backwards compatible (wrt current fediverse) solutions in the works.


@dajb Yeah I’m not convinced either but haven’t looked into it much.


@dajb I do worry a bit about the fragility of fediverse identity though. Account migration path cut as soon as old server destructs. Ironically a plausible case for why a user would want to migrate in the first place.

Sumana Harihareswara

@dajb thanks for the post! Heads-up @shauna in case you have thoughts to share

Shauna GM

@brainwane @dajb Thanks for the tag Sumana.

One of the goals of Metagov/PolicyKit is to bring alternative forms of governance to platforms. I stepped back from the team earlier this year, so I don't know if a Fediverse extension is on their radar. If it's not I might be up for building a prototype.

I'm just extremely wary of trying to build a tool without guidance from people who'd be using it. AFAIK I don't actually know anyone doing Fediverse moderation who thinks more governance will help.

Tom Resing

@shauna @brainwane I’m curious. Are you equating governance with tools for group decision making? Seems like, at least on, the kinds of tools @dajb writes about would help workers, moderators included

Doug Belshaw

@resing @shauna @brainwane Yes, I was specifically thinking about instance users having transparency rather than instance admins having an easier time (although tools for that are needed too)

Tom Resing

@dajb @shauna @brainwane one might argue that the former leads to the latter. In my experience, transparency improves experiences for most people involved

Shauna GM

@resing @dajb @brainwane Yeah sorry, I use "governance" as a catch-all term that includes both big picture leadership and decision-making but also everyday decision-making like moderation. And governance to me includes both how decisions are made as well as the transparency and contest-ability of those decisions. "Who moderates the moderators" etc.


@brainwane @dajb @shauna it’s a shame that instance Announcements don’t have an API, this would be the logical place to invite users to vote and communicate results!


@dajb @shauna @brainwane …thinking about improving integration between loomio and mastodon via metagov

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