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@catsalad LOL.

I literally want scolded 2 days ago. My automatic toothbrush of yore has stopped working so she convinced me also to switch to an automatic toothbrush again.

I went to Amazon and bought the first one I saw on sale. Turns out it was IOT, connects to my phone and I had to create an unique password for it. The app reminds you of flossing every day. I am not so sure how to think having my flossing data on the cloud.


Jedediah Strong Smith

@aspuru Just wait until Big Dental buys that data and uses it to deny a claim.


@erswippe Thoght of that.
Luckily I live in #Canada

But yes my #Garmin sports watch is storing every heartbeat of mine on the cloud. That is quite creepy.

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

IoT toothbrush? Make sure you brush and floss well before the AlexaSkynet system launches...


@aspuru @catsalad the industrial revolution and its consequences

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