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Simon Willison

The 25 minute video for my #DjangoCon talk is out: "Massively increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated tests"

I've posted the video along with an annotated version of the talk - with notes and links for each of the slides - here on my blog:

Simon Willison

I've decided to extend my personal rule that "the price of doing a project is that you have to write about it" to cover talks as well!

Simon Willison

Guilt is the enemy of projects.

The more projects you have, the more guilty you feel about working on any one of them—because then you’re not working on the others, and those other projects haven’t yet achieved their goals.

I claim that the cure for guilt is to include comprehensive documentation and tests! Can't feel guilty if it's got those.

(That's what I tell myself anyway!)

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