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Craig Maloney ☕

Just a quick reminder that Free and Open Source Software isn't a competition among ourselves.

We're fighting against those who would co-opt general purpose computing.

It doesn't matter if you're on the BSD side or the Linux side, or if you believe that KDE is great or that GNOME is amazing (or prefer a tiling window manager). We're all on the same side.

We're at our best when we link our arms together and say in a clear voice, you'll have to pass through all of us to overcome all of us.

Craig Maloney ☕

That's not to say we wont bicker like siblings, or fuck up along the path. We're human and we'll make mistakes.

But cutting each other down or sabotaging the others doesn't help us. It makes us foolish.

I may not agree with certain licenses that try to make corporations accountable, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sabotage those efforts. For all I know they might work and it's me who lacks the vision to make them work.

But I'll be damned if I let folks denigrate their ability to try.

Craig Maloney ☕

(This isn't related to anything in particular, just some thoughts that came about related to unions and the power of other unions not breaking the picket line as much as they were able to.)

Craig Maloney ☕

Muting the conversation because we can't have nice things. Enjoy.

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