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Jae Bloom

@pixelfed just became a Patron.

Question btw, will there be a chance at some point to either pay storage fees OR offload the photos to a CDN of our own like B2? Cause I have a B2 bucket and I would gladly offset it for you.


@OneJaeAtATime We do support S3 compatible object storage for media and backups!

Jae Bloom

@pixelfed Ooo is this on a user level? I’m on the instance.

Jyoti Mishra


If you're on #Pixelfed, please add me, I'm


I'm so done with Instagram... it's a ghost of the great app it once was.

And I'm not gonna move somewhere that someone can just buy and ruin. Not again!

Dave Pardoe

@pixelfed I can’t authenticate my email to sign up. Just to let you know.

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