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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Let it be known the account @github has been claimed by the official organization GitHub


@jerry @github So, here is where I ask for arm64 Github actions runners for FOSS?

Just kidding, welcome @github!

imabee :verified:

@nxadm you could use something like a mulitarch build -- This guy has some pretty good builders for apps.

Kris Nóva

@jerry @github

If you want some help tracking down the creator of this or want to talk to "GitHub" directly please let me know.

I work at GitHub and am happy to do everything in my power to make sure you and GitHub have a healthy relationship.

Unsure if you knew about this or not.

Keith Hoodlet :verified: :donor:

@nova @jerry @github ha! Just said the same thing. You’re in good hands it seems 😊👍

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@nova @github I did not. Thank you. There are a number of GitHub orgs in the site already and they coordinated with GitHub marketing to take over this account.

Kris Nóva

@jerry @github

You have my full support for whatever you decide you want to do (or not do).

Even if you just want to talk to folks I can help make arrangements.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@nova i have no issue with @github - someone name-squatted that handle early on and we suspended it for impersonation, so finally getting to have it off to the rightful owner.

TildalWave :toot:

@jerry it's only natural to ask... now that @github has been welcomed onto, when can we expect of them to return the favour? 😁

Keith Hoodlet :verified: :donor:

@jerry @github if you ever need any help with the GitHub side of things Jerry, feel free to reach out 👍 after all, I work there 😅😊

horizonsglory Will that make GitHub suck less? The people want to know.


@jerry @github

But how will I know they are official without a stupid blue checkmark??

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@derickc @github unless/until they add verification to their profile, you’ll have to trust me (or not) that it’s them

Derick Campbell :progress:

@jerry @github

Ty. I've seen and heard of several fake profiles here - we should encourage them to add verification.

Jeff Handley

@jerry I won't believe it until the capitalization of the H is corrected. 😛

Shelenn Ayres
@jerry @github Brands/Corporate/Commercial projects etc should be required to either host their own instance or pay for the instance that hosts them.
Stephen Bannasch

@SecureOwl @jerry @github I think they just initialized the repo — don’t see any commits yet


@jerry @github I think this proves that this server is moving in the right direction! Welcome GitHub 🙌

Chris Trottier

@jerry Okay, but how easy would it be for @github to host their own instance and verify?

národní prase
@jerry @github if this is true maybe they should put a rel=me link at least

@jerkey @jerry

As @batalanto would quite likely remind us :), the idea of the Fediverse is to *avoid* advertising for toxic organisations like Microsoft/Github - .

Unfortunately even @Gargron has not yet shifted his main Mastodon git repository off . But that's no reason for anyone to keep supporting authoritarianism, secrecy and (embrace, extend, extinguish) longer than needed.

Please shift to ethical git repositories like ! Thanks!

Z̈oé ☎️ 4963

@jerry I wish they would have signed up on instead

tuck :ferrisdance:

@jerry @github they should verify themselves with

Andy Cooper

@jerry @github Not that I don't want them here but huh, I'd think Microsoft would make enough to be able to run their own instance to ensure an even more different handle to impersonate.


@github @jerry This is the time where having an intuitive way to verify an official account or having the big companies run their own instance on their domain would come handy.

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