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Matthew Inman

This feels appropriate for the second thing I've ever posted to mastodon.


@padrewill @oatmeal same, any website I’m interested in I’ve gone back to RSS since I know I’ll actually get updates.


@padrewill Masto offered to "translate" your post. My language is set to English. Is that funny or it that just me?

William Ingle-Gillis

@joat - I’m on a Spanish language instance and post in both languages. That may have had something to do with it?


@padrewill I wondered if it didn't recognize "RSS" so assumed it wasn't English

Gerard Braad

@joat @padrewill It doesn't o detection. The client needs to support setting this, otherwise the default of the account is taken. The webclient shows this:

Gerard Braad

@joat it is because he didn't change the language from "ES" to "EN" when posting the message.


@oatmeal I felt like that with blogs and RSS when it was everybody writing and not consolidated into big boxes


@svsalon @oatmeal agreed! RSS is how things should still be. Forget the ads and analytics.

Carlos Solís

Fun fact: all Mastodon feeds have a RSS feed integrated, just add ".rss" to the end of the URL!
Sebastian Tobie

@oatmeal you can replace the f with the bird for actuality.

Daniel J

@oatmeal I shall continue to boost your cartoony goodness for the price of free as it continues to amuse me greatly 😁

Pete Gontier

@oatmeal You've posted two things already and neither included a joke with the word "toot"? Clearly you are not the real Oatmeal.


@oatmeal that hit home at the time.. 25k facebook page total waste of effort... welcome to tooting!

💉💉💉💉 Sean Houlihane 🕷️🔶

@Rjdlandscapes @oatmeal I do wonder how the commercial side of this is going to play out, and how we find a sensible balance of where advertising is seen.

Ros Jackson

@oatmeal I think about this cartoon often. It's appropriate now: we shouldn't be swapping one walled garden for another. The Adverse basically took all the conversations that were happening on people's blogs, and consolidated them. With the Fediverse, there's the possibility of taking that back, given more widespread use of ActivityPub.

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@rosjackson @oatmeal I have not only thought of, but shared this comic many many times, most recently as about 2 months ago, before Space Karen started throwing his sink around.

I am so happy to see you here, Matt. Welcome. I will boost you! But I also suggest hashtagging!


Olivier Lambert

@oatmeal So happy to see you here! Also it's the opportunity to tell you I'm a big fan of your work since years (I know I'm not the only one but still happy to tell it out loud! 😂)


@oatmeal see also API’s, which used to be this super cool way of tying stuff together all over the internet and now is basically just another monetized monstrosity that’s heavily controlled (for good reason in some cases).

funambuline 🦏🌻

@oatmeal so happy to read you here (and by email, and on your site ❤️)


@oatmeal Nice to see you here. I just played Caveman Poetry last weekend. Thanks for making fun games!

Matthew Inman

@Nigma Thank you! That's one of my favorite games we've ever made.


@oatmeal My girlfriend is informing that it is called Poetry for Neanderthals™ and that I am, in fact, an idiot.

We enjoy Exploding Kittens too! Tacocat is our favorite. :catjam:


@oatmeal what’s the favorite game you’ve ever made?

Jeff Martin

@oatmeal Hi there, glad to see you on Mastodon! Love your comics.

I don’t know if you’ll see this message or not, but Mastodon is different than other services you may have used before.

If you want to, on Mastodon, you can own the building. And the door locks. Just start your own instance. It takes some tech know-how, but it’s possible here, where it wasn’t possible on the other networks. Good luck!

Pavol Salgari 엔키두

@oatmeal I still don’t understand how people were voluntarily giving up control over their audience in favor of social networks. They basically lost their own little communities and gave them to multimillionaire owned money grabbing machines.

Rachel Greenham

@enkydu @oatmeal because it was convenient and easy for everyone concerned.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

Because they believed that social networks would bring them more of an audience than they could find themselves. The trouble will always be though, that if someone can give you something online, they can generally take it back, so it's not really yours anyway.

Kevin Teljeur ❄️

@oatmeal Never not relevant. Feels like it needs a huge childbabymonster on top of the shiny tower, smashing it up.


@oatmeal I remember the first time you posted this comic, feels like ages ago. It's interesting how little changed in that time and even more people got consolidated to big platforms 😅

Christina Sørensen
@oatmeal nono but you don't understand what about the bad admins on the fediverse that did something bad I'm going back to musks dungeon with all my sextoys and you can't stop me haha get owned
Caleb McKean

@oatmeal I havent been on Facebook for 10 years. I cant believe its still running. A picture of my page being private holding a cat and a 36 inch measuring stick is enough for a conviction.

Matteo Riso

@CalebMcKean @oatmeal I'm in Facebook since 2008 only for sh*tposting and waiting to see it crumble.

(ง'̀-'́)ง TimmGleason🍖🍖

@oatmeal These Federated services feel like the re-birth of the old internet. Re-inventing chat, email, mySpace....


@timmgleason @oatmeal It's making me pine for the days of IRC and USENET.

Benjamin V. Spider

@oatmeal But have you had your own stolen content suggested to you by Facebook? Because I have. :-/

John M Flores

Ha ha - adding #ALT for #Blind/visually-impaired:

Headline: Reaching people on the internet

Frame 1
Title: How it used to be:
Character Matt stands in front of modest building labeled "Matt's Website" with flags "Email", "Netvibes" (sp?), and "RSS" flags flying from roof. Matt says, "Come on over! I've got some neat stuff here." as a small group listens.

Frame 2
Title: What Happened:
Matt's modest building is now dwarfed by a giant skyscraper with Facebook logo on it. Sign above entrance says, "Welcome, new active users!" The small group of characters rushes over to Facebook while Matt says, "Actually, follow me over there. It'll be easier for us to reach each other."

Frame 3
Title: Where we're at now:
Matt stands outside Facebook building, alone. His modest building stands in background Sign above Facebook entrance says, "Door locks ENGAGED." as Matt yells at building, "Hey, I made some new stuff. Can you show it to my followers?"

Frame 4
Sign above Facebook entrance says, "PROMOTION! Boost this post for $10,000 and reach a fraction of your followers!" Matt looks at building and says, "Fuck."


Ha ha - adding #ALT for #Blind/visually-impaired:

Headline: Reaching people on the internet

Frame 1
Title: How it used to be:
Character Matt stands in front of modest building labeled "Matt's Website" with flags "Email", "Netvibes" (sp?), and "RSS" flags flying from roof. Matt says, "Come on over! I've got some neat stuff here." as a small group listens.


@oatmeal I remember that... and so glad you're here! :ablobcatbongo: 💗


@oatmeal That's right, we traded freedom for something our parents could use easily.

Oliver (FKK positiv 🏖️)

Oh, I shared this great piece from this joint once here a long time ago and it has already been received with enthusiasm. Never realized you've been around all the time - but it's truly consistent and I'm glad.
All the best, @oatmeal!


@oatmeal this has never been not true on social Media.
Happy to find you here as well. And happy that you have RSS on your homepage! Much better than any SM feed!


@oatmeal I miss the geocities crappy frontpage made gif loades webpages era :sadness:


@oatmeal It'll get better :] In any case, your email list works great!

The Duskfall Portal Crew

@oatmeal Oh god we're so damn happy you made it to mastodon. XD We just wish more people would join XD

Nick Fox-Gieg

@oatmeal @alebianco What's the second thing on "Matt's Website"--"Netvibes"...? Just a general description of the times, or was that a specific thing?

Lutin Discret

@oatmeal I prefer the version including the Facebook notice asking you to pay so people who clicked to be notified, will be notified: exposing the blatant lies of the platform and Zucky selling you the community you built.

P.S: please add alt texts

Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode:

@oatmeal Oh, and I've used that comic strip in my slides of my article about #webforums and gated communities in general:



@oatmeal Do you happen to remember when this was originally created? Feels like I've seen this a loooooong time ago


@oatmeal it’s insane. Granted Mastondon has a learning curve but if you put the time in and just learn a bit it’s actually seems pretty cool. :blobBongo:


@oatmeal ho yes, this is a legend here already ... (some ppl copied it !! ) specially the screengrab version with the proposal from meta to distribute it more advantageously ;D

🏰Christophe S.❄IceEnchanter🦢

@oatmeal Oh, you came by here !

This is my favorite educational strip when I try to explain the situation about corporate media to non-tech people :) I am fan of it <3

Welcome to the Fediverse, you found the exit, as well as the entrance to come back to a better home, interconnected again, while preserving you home website :)

Mike Dee

@oatmeal Fakebook screwed so many people by deleting profiles that so many people had spent endless hours building. I’ll never rely on fakebook again. I continually tell people to leave it. They manipulate everything on there, even which comments they let you see or not.


@oatmeal I didn't know you were on the fediverse!

Guy James

@oatmeal the 'old' internet still works, we just have to go back to actually using it and not getting distracted by bells and whistles (and billionaires)

Rai Aren 🖖✨📚🇺🇦

@oatmeal Yup, #Facebook is diabolical that way! I don't spend much time there b/c of things like that.


@oatmeal finding out that Mastodon has built-in RSS was amazing, some of us still use feeds every day.


@oatmeal 😂 So true, Would love to see a comic with FB and TW as dumpster fires overseen by Zuck and Musk and the Boston Dynamic robot makes fun of them for being too robotic.

James Freaking Carr

@oatmeal bring back rss for the masses.

Also… never too late to resurrect FOAF 😏

G Dan Mitchell

@oatmeal Truth. FB is one of the world's biggest bait-and-switch operations.


@oatmeal I've already seen more of your posts in the last two days than I have in two years 🫤

fyrfli 🇯🇲 ☕️ Yep ... when your posts started disappearing it was round about the same time that I realised what a shitshow FB was.

TerryJLynch :v_gay:

@oatmeal And the audience only gets a fraction of the content they want to see 💸📈

Timothy Forner

@oatmeal I miss my Oatmeal fix. Happy to see you here!

Steven Goh

@oatmeal lol. yeah. remember that " LIke " economy? it was sort of a one way, give us your content and we'll charge you to have your audience back (vs the google model of we'll be on your content, and we'll give you a share of the rewards).


@oatmeal the internet is a room full of people talking and very few people listening.

Jerald Blackstock BFA

@oatmeal fb said my site was abusive, selling my art.


@oatmeal yeah. I miss when comics has sites and that that was part of the comic’s personality.


@oatmeal Cannot express how happy I am to see the Oatmeal here!


@oatmeal I love your work, however I can't boost it as the mods on my instance are very firm about about using alt text on images. Have you thought about the #Accessibility of your work?

Prodigal Hoosier :verified:

OMG please follow me! There’s no way you would have followed me on Twitter (I’m not *that* cool) but I feel like maybe I’ve got a second chance at being accepted by the cool kids now. 🥹

Chris Pirillo

@oatmeal ...if only the rest of the world understood this FACT.

Nick Giordano

@oatmeal just a reminder that Facebook single handedly destroyed independent digital comedy this way:

Cyber Yuki

@oatmeal Image description: Guy made a website and moved his followers to facebook. Then facebook shut their doors on him and he can't call his followers anymore.


@oatmeal as a small business owner I feel this everyday!


@oatmeal @memetzgz so spot on and yet so painfully predictable. :)

Kyle Rose

@oatmeal it really do be like that. Their economic model is not in your favor

Manuel *hunting Eudaimonia*


Hey Oatmeal, how are you?

Followed you on Facebook, then Facebook got dumb, then I didn't see any of your posts anymore, then I stopped using Facebook, then I discovered you here.

What a story!

George William Herbert

@oatmeal (looking in your profile for your website)

That’s cheating, I subscribe to email notifications and I have it bookmarked in browser(s), but your promotion could use more self…

An'wen Eira

@oatmeal Facebook used to be great for organizing events, now people I invite rarely even see the invites. It has become terrible.


@oatmeal An especially relevant comic right now.

(Btw, please consider adding Alt-text to your images. We have a lot of blind and partially sighted people here who would love to read your comics too!)


@oatmeal Forgot about that Netvibes flag 💚


@oatmeal Glad to see you in the Fediverse! Still enjoy exploding kittens with friends 🙂

Steve B

@oatmeal as a web designer and digital marketeer (hate that phrase) of 20 years…. Yes. Yes. And YES!

I spend so much time trying to explain this to clients. I’m just gonna show them this cartoon now.

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