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@tchambers Next is ? 😀 And then social market monopoly again (with Jack and Zuck)? No way...

Fifi Lamoura

@vladmasslove @tchambers I have suspicions that's exactly what BlueSky is, Jack's play to monetize the fediverse. (It's also kind of interesting that I'm seeing no talk about BlueSky, the part of Twitter that Jack took with him when he sold to Musk....oops, just googled and it seems that a relatively quiet promotional campaign has started.)


@fifilamoura @tchambers basically...they can diversify (Jack and Elon) if they connect to two protocols and nobody can get rid of this commercial scam...need safety

Fifi Lamoura

@vladmasslove @tchambers To be clear, I could be totally wrong and this is pure uninformed speculation. I'm just suspicious of what billionaires are up to and always assume it's going to be harmful and exploitative until it's proven otherwise (which isn't the case that often).


@vladmasslove @tchambers As long as they are using the open protocol of ActivityPub it should be fine. Certain Fediverse instances will block that instance. Likely the users that have already left that site will stick to a smaller instance more in line with what they want.

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