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Cassidy James Blaede

@andresmh @Gillian I imagine the “best” way would be to add support in the same way Twitter did: under the hood, it is just a link to the original post, and then you handle it all at the presentation layer. It would mean getting buy-in from mobile clients, but I bet you could get some on board, like Mastodos and maybe Tusky.

This way it would remain backwards compatible with apps and instances that don’t explicitly support it, too.

Raphael Lullis

@cassidyjames @andresmh @Gillian

re: quote tweet. soapbox/rebased already does it for a while, you should ask @alex about how the implementation works.

re: donation to servers. I may be biased (being AFAICT the only admin of a commercial instance where access is by subscription) but I'm pretty sure that what I am charging ($5/month for 10 users) is a lot more sustainable and affordable than the instances that will have to beg for donations.


@raphael @cassidyjames @andresmh @Gillian "beg" is a bit loaded—think about Dwarf Fortress compared with smaller games trying to ask for subscriptions. If it's sufficiently popular, the money's enough from whoever has it to give. They just have to value it.

Yes every user adds to the load, but once people sign on to Patreons, they normally only get off them around tax season or major life changes.

Laurent Baumann

@cassidyjames @andresmh @Gillian what's wrong with just posting a link to the original post, along with your comment? Like you said, clients can augment the experience client-side by fetching some extra data, but that's it.

Cassidy James Blaede

@Lobau @andresmh @Gillian yep, that’s what I am suggesting. The other side of the interaction would be simplifying it by adding a “quote” feature to the client side, though, so you don’t have to go manually copy the post link, start composing a new post, paste the link, then write your content. But fundamentally that’s all it would actually do with one tap.


@cassidyjames @andresmh @Gillian I think it's time for Mastodon to start allowing ads

Jacob Gonzales 🇺🇸

@PhoenixWomanMN @cassidyjames @andresmh @Gillian mastodon is just code but instances themselves can chose to run ads or not but I personally wouldn’t use those

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