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Chief TWiT :twit:

Now that we're learning this lesson that centralized silos are brittle and operate in the interest of the owners not the users...

...please note the move toward centralizing podcasts into apps from Amazon/Audible, Spotify, iHeart, YouTube, TikTok etc.

If you like podcasts, use an RSS-based podcast player. Support the open ecosystem. We can only survive if you clearly see the threat and act supportively.

78 comments | Expand all CWs
Rony :vepi:

@leo any tips on such player? I read news using rss but podcasts not much...

Darryl Schmidt ✌β™₯🍁

@z Pocket Casts. Free, open source, and one of if not the best podcast app.

Marcus Twichel

@z @leo I personally love PocketCasts! It’s free and, as of recently, open source! I also think it’s very intuitive and pretty to look at, and supports all the features you’d want πŸŽ‰

Jerry Shugars

@z @leo Another thumbs up for Pocket Casts. I've been using it for over a decade.

Ian Betteridge

@z @leo Mobile or desktop? Desktop, I like gPodder because it's very cross-platform, super-simple and open source.

Laker Turner

@z if you're on iOS, i strongly recommend ! its what i've used for months now and its just... nice

Iron Curtain (Chiptunes)

@z @leo If you use a Mac, Apple Podcasts is not a silo and accepts RSS feeds.

Dan Lyke

@z on Android, I use AntennaPod. I suspect there are better players out there, but I've landed on it, and it works for me, and works better than the previous ones I've tried that I don't remember what they are any more.


@leo @z

PocketCasts is good and is on both Android and iOS. If you are Apple inclined then Overcast as it works on all the systems and is nice on the M-Series Macs as well.

Joe πŸ“· πŸ––πŸ€¨

@leo Better yet, let’s start calling these proprietary podcasts what they are - shows. Joe Rogan has a Spotify show, not a podcast. It’s no different than if he had a show on NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.

Iron Curtain (Chiptunes)

@Joe @leo

That's a good point. It's also why I call the iPhone a Video Game Console and the android devices computers (I'm an iPhone user, BTW).

Alexander Ignatyev

@Joe @leo Probably the first podcast .NET Rocks was called "show": because there was no word "podcast" yet. They have released over 1820 episodes so far.


@leo So not Apple podcasts?

Jeff :clubtwit:

@will @leo It seems like a very small step for them to start having β€œexclusive” content.

Iron Curtain (Chiptunes)

@Jeff_a @will @leo

Not really. They would have to deprecate the ability to use RSS podcasts first (i.e. locking them) and then they would have exclusive shows. It's definitely not unprecedented in Apple's history (far from it!), but it's not "a very small step" either.

Robert Thompson

@leo @will Apple Podcasts is an RSS-based podcast app, that one is fine. But use Overcast because it’s better πŸ˜‰

Leo Allen

@leo this is the impending doom I've been warning indie podcasters about.


@leo AntennaPod is open source. I really enjoy it.


@MovieBozo @leo +1 for Antennapod. Been using it for years

kne:cht :loading:

@leo is there a federated podcast … well, hub or however you name it

Ian Betteridge

@knechtomat @leo Not exactly, but there are services which let you sync things like your subscribe list and play position without locking you in. For example

LG :capivara: :Ryyca:

@knechtomat @leo RSS have the decentralized aspect of federated protocols.

Darryl Schmidt ✌β™₯🍁

@leo Hey folks, Pocket Casts is not only free and open source, but a killer of a podcast app.


@leo I will continue to support twit podcasts and other independents as long as they are available.

I like to think.

@leo I use Google Podcasts. Does that count?


@leo as any centralized silo is fragile, whether it is one of the big CDNs, or a single user hosted store, I really would like to see more options for distributed hosting as well. Perhaps something like rss feeds that update to multiple locations, and content hosted in something like a torrent based file system. One advantage to this could be that a nomad Podcaster wouldn't have to have a persistent online presence.


@leo That's a really good point--thanks!

Dane Berryman :clubtwit:

im still going old school my podcasts download to a computer running itunes. i then listen via home share on my other devices and take my ipod mini with 128GB upgrade for on the go

Melissa Jo Peltier

@leo @MonikaCorrea Can you give an example of one? I’ve been using a couple different aggregators.

Edwin G.

@leo This is why I have been using Overcast since 2016.
Several of the podcasts have gone to a closed-platform, namely "Ici Ohdio" and no longer pulbish over RSS. Oh well, their loss. #Podcast #OpenPlatform


@leo yea i use a gentoo linux server and gPodder

The Orignal β€˜SonyFony’

@leo Did you hear about ITpro Technado losing it's podcast host?

Scott Bassett

@leo I refuse to listen to podcasts on any platform other than RSS through my Pocket Casts app and web interface. I subscribe to Spotify, Audible, Amazon, YouTube Premium, but will never use them to listen to podcasts.


@leo Overcast for life!, The smart speed up feature is the only way I can listen


@leo So important! Thanks for putting the word out.

Sapientia Ingeniaria

@leo Never heard of RSS-base podcast player. I’m old… I just got into this podcast thingy. Can you suggest some?


@Rosa @leo the only reliable Linux desktop app in my experience is Kasts. On my mobile & tablet Antennae

Iron Curtain (Chiptunes)

@Rosa @leo If you have an iPhone or iPad, Apple Podcasts is one. If you have a Mac as well, you can enter the URL in the Podcasts app, and then check the name of the podcast when you sync it in finder.

Jeff :clubtwit:

@leo Would any of the independent podcasting apps/podcasts be interested in advertising on the network? Or a how-to about how to use the RSS based apps?


@leo Such a great point! If all our podcasts end up owned by a few big companies (billionaires) it'll make earning a living impossible for the smaller independent podcasters...looking for an RSS player now!


@leo Also self host if you run your own podcast. Some small web hosting isn't expensive and there's a lot of software that'll run the podcast for you.

Dylan Thomas | icq-uhoh.wav

@leo Pocketcasts is great! It supports cross platform/device sync, supports purchase once use everywhere (with account login), and has been a pleasure for me personally to use for years.

Kevin Gamin

@leo If the recording is not openly accessible without subscribing to a service, is it really a podcast?

Mike Masnick βœ…

@leo this is why i refuse to call audio that goes to an exclusive platform "podcasts." They're not. They're proprietary exclusive audio content.


@leo @mmasnick Netcasts you love, from people you trust.

Chief TWiT :twit:

@mmasnick Yeah it frosts me when I see Audible ads promoting "ad-free podcasts."


Related to your point:
there are federated podcast publishing apps, such as Castopod (, and more general audio apps, such as Funkwhale ( , which allow podcast creators to publish to the Fediverse, making it possible to follow them from one's Fediverse (e.g., Mastodon) account.


@leo I was just thinking about this yesterday. How podcasts are the one usecase of rss that kept having widespread adoption, then the big podcast hosts, like Spotify, chipped away at that. Ideally I should still be able to download a text file, then as many audio files as I need and not have to "stream" it from a proprietary service.


@leo Good point! I'm using Kasts (#KDE player on my laptop). I follow over 400 podcasts there. I'll investigate where the podcasts are being downloaded from.

Katherine ✨️ she/her

@leo Thank you! I hate the move by certain companies to try and own podcasts.


@leo nerd that I am, I use podget on a raspberry pi to download my fave podcasts and play them using @moodeaudio

Kenny Johnson

@leo I've been using #PocketCasts for years. It's an excellent #podcast app on Android, with good support. And you can easily switch to their web portal when needed.

Programmer 832-529 πŸ…

@leo I was thinking that does make a lot of sense, not to concentrate another thing on the internet.

The question would be what RSS reader and @goondocks suggested one.

Chief TWiT :twit:

@smallsees @goondocks Most true podcast apps use our RSS feed - the RSS is hidden.

Pocketcasts, Overcast, even Apple and Google podcasts are RSS based.


@leo Agreed! I won’t listen to a podcast on a closed platform and have told podcasts that move so. I understand people need to make a living but there are other ways to earn income. And yes I do financially support some independent podcasts.


@leo I refuse to listen to episodes on Spotify. Existing RSS syndication works great. No need to change, imho.

Hans Metzke

@leo How bad is Apple Podcasts in your opinion? Yes, there are proprietary shows, but underneath it all it's still a basic RSS-based podcast app.

Steven Bodzin bike & subscribe

@leo Podcast Addict on Android is quite good!

Iron Curtain (Chiptunes)

@leo Exactly. I use Apple Podcasts on my iPhone and Mac, but it operates on the RSS protocol and I refuse to go to a silo to listen to podcasts.


@leo I really love @AntennaPod (for Android) and how the newer versions have worked out!


@leo Many replies asking about decentralized podcast-listening apps. There's a bunch listed at

Michael Hoffman

@leo I’m a big fan of and believer in @marcoarment’s @overcast app.

Craig Maloney β˜•

@leo Not enough *Amen* to say here. When Amazon came calling for podcasts to put on their site I honestly thought "nah, get your own content".


@leo I am currently moving away from Podkicker Pro since it's minorly buggy and making horrible UI decisions and adding ads despite the fact I've paid for it and moving to @AntennaPod since it seems to be solid and doesn't have ads or crypto bullshit


@leo (I found two podcatchers on fDroid that looked good, and @AntennaPod is the one that didn't have a weird using crypto to tip podcasters feature built in)

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