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If some rich dude can buy the public square, then it wasn't the public square.

Chadee the Dream Witch ๐ŸŒ• ๐ŸŒŠ

@irwin It wasn't the public square, it was an iPhone store, and people just stopped going there after it changed management.

chuckadeus kummerer

@irwin tbf privatization amd commercialization of actual public space(s) isn't entirely unheard of, but I generally agree.


@irwin There are no public squares in the US

BOFH ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
It never was from the very beginning.

Public squares aren't owned by Corporations and Twitter has been owned by a Corporation since Day 1.

That's like saying Disney's Main Street is America's Main Street.

@irwin The Birdsite was never a public square. No centralized platform is.

Doug Massey โœ…

@theexplorographer @irwin ๐Ÿ’ฏ- it always was the coliseum for the gladiators and the spectators that egged them on

Dell Cameron ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›

@irwin people called it the public square, but the whole joke was trying to explain anything happening on twitter IRL made you sound totally insane.

Danฬˆฤฑel Parsฬญlow

@dell @irwin

For at least a decade now editorial and panel programs the world over have been running segments where they put tweets about the topic under discussion up on the screen and guests respond to them. Legislators and policymakers make statements on twitter.

No, it never was, but we've been foolish enough to try use it that way anyway.

Tayo ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

If a corporation can own the public square then same.


@irwin Right. Also the analogy only works if the public square is a place where everyone yells each other in an endless game of toxic one-upmanship, and where walking through involves the risk of random strangers hurtling rotten vegetables at you.


@irwin if a few corps own entite sectors from seed to the bakery it's not capitalism either. It's a closer to a feudal estate or centrally planned cokmand a control monopoly


@irwin A mall... along with Ts, Cs and security guards ๐Ÿ™„โ˜น๏ธ

Gordon J Holtslander

@irwin the rich dude is the very fortunate village idiot


@werwolf @irwin Not sure I follow. Public would imply gov. owned/controlled. The gov rents out public space (e.g. you can buy a parking pass to park your car on public space). Why couldnโ€™t the gov sell off public space? I seem to recall Greece doing that with some whole islands.


@irwin @werwolf I think in some parts of the US public freeways are sometimes sold & then become privately owned toll-ways. Donโ€™t quote me on that though.


@irwin yup. It was always the mall food court, not the Forum Romanum.

nico kruppe


thats why ist .com Not .org or .public


@irwin Did you really think twitter was the public square??

Jim Cappio

@irwin More like a POPS (Privately Owned Public Space), so pernicious in urban planning these days.


@irwin wow thatโ€™s solid thank you

Knos D. Rabbit (Sr. Conejo)

@irwin it was never a public, you just happened to like who owned it.


Thats the thing when some rich dude declares his place a public square after setting up some billboards and later on sells it to another rich dude wo doesn't like the idea or thinks that the billboards won't make him enough.

Carlos: A Pac-12 Enjoyer

.@irwin public squares are performed, they arenโ€™t just legal distinctions. it was a public square because we all treated it as such and it will cease to become a public square until we canโ€™t.


@louis @irwin Great comparison! Made me laugh.

Edward Taylor

@irwin I mean yeah, but have you seen how cheap some politicians are to buy?


@irwin thatโ€™s why he bought it - to destroy it.

Ash Doyle

@irwin But it doesnโ€™t mean it wasnโ€™t *used* as the public square.

Lynn I ๐Ÿ—ฝ

@irwin I agree! The definition of the public square seems to be changing, depending on who is making reference to it. Some dislike inclusivity, choice, and diversity, while at the same time using the term public square to exclude. Maybe I'm not making sense, but that's the feeling I have.

To me, Musk's Twitter can never be a microcosm of the public square because he wants to exclude many. People with disabilities, for example. He made that clear by firing Twitter's accessibility team and closing its Human Rights Department.

@irwin I agree! The definition of the public square seems to be changing, depending on who is making reference to it. Some dislike inclusivity, choice, and diversity, while at the same time using the term public square to exclude. Maybe I'm not making sense, but that's the feeling I have.

To me, Musk's Twitter can never be a microcosm of the public square because he wants to exclude many. People with disabilities, for example. He made that clear by firing Twitter's accessibility team and closing...

lainoid the omniscient
@irwin what if some government can shoot you if you protest there

@irwin The "public square" you are talking about was always owned by a company. So it never was a public square, it's was just a website.


@irwin Yes it was. The local government decided to sell public space. It is a easy concept.

JE Brook

@irwin Exactly. And I heard well-intentioned folks say, "stay and fight for Twitter!" Why? Would one say that about Facebook? It was never a _public_ forum. Mastodon, etc, is far closer to that and anarchist in spirit.

that one JNL

@irwin Rich dudes have been buying literal, physical, formerly-public squares in London for 2 decades. In Salt Lake City, several blocks of Main Street were sold to the LDS church and privatized as a non-public promenade subject to restrictions on speech, dress, and last I checked, gum chewing. All to say, what the public square is and isn't does seem to fluctuate in both time and space, and sometimes what a thing was remains unclear until it is lost.

Rob Williams

@irwin the gov only consumes $2T per year they couldn't have built Twitter! they are busy not fixing potholes and not fixing policing!


@irwin He CAN'T. He tried to buy the thing it was located on, and that cost him $44BIL. But what gave it value (the town square) was the COMMUNITY it created. That community has now fled the space it created. Much of it has been absorbed by Mastodon. Twitter is no more. There's just a rusting hulk falling apart, faster and faster, till the end.


@irwin Twitter was owned by a very rich man before Musk. It is run by fabulously wealthy people. Who make many times the average American income, and who live in one of the most expensive areas in America.

A public square requires access for all to openly debate a topic. All side should be able to speak. All sides should have a seat. Then people can choose who is right from the strength of the arguments.


@irwin Twitter didn't allow this. Twitter regularly banned people who didn't follow their ideas. There was no debate. There was no public square even before Musk.

I highly doubt Mastodon will be a true public square. It might be less strident then Twitter, but will there be a seat for all sides.

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