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πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

The twitter outages graph looks remarkably similar to the mastodon new user graph.... just saying ;)

Noel Romey

@freemo Have things really started breaking? Can't see the graphs so was curious what's disintegrating as ew speak

πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@ner why cant you see the graphs?

It seems twitter outages are spiking the last hour or two. Musk had a neltdown and locked the doors to twitter and no one can keave or enter work.... the resukt is twitter is having outages and people are fleeing to here yet again.

πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

@ner nvm just saw your blind. Shoukda red your bio first.


@freemo If an admin of a instance didn't post a correlation now and then, I think we'd be concerned. Have a great weekend doc.

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