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Martijn Vos
@hypolite Thank me when I've got a PR ready. There's absolutely no guarantee I'll actually get that far.

By the way, you do have js front-end code, so that's something I should be able to pick up. Also, I'm generally at my best dealing with complex interactions, front-backend interaction, algorithms, data structures, that sort of stuff. (And refactoring tech debt and complex code into something more readable, but maybe that's not the best place to start an unfamiliar language.) I'm terrible at infra, configurations, and fancy CSS. Just in case you have an issue that would be a good fit for that. But I don't mind picking up something else.
1 comment
Hypolite Petovan
@mcv We are in an absolute dearth of front-end developers, so your help would be absolutely welcome. I believe our days of fancy CSS are behind us with the frio theme, but interactions can be added or improved. Case in point:…

If you could look into this, this would take a big worry off my plate.
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