@philpax @gregmorenz @philpax Stable Diffusion is IMO a research library/project, not a product.
People are making fantastic simpler wrappers, but I still don't consider it a commercial product.
Any productization will require wrapping it up properly and packaging, like with anything.
I also don't think one can hope to get any good performance without CUDA (but it can be bundled like with other software).
@BartWronski @gregmorenz Mm, perhaps - I suppose it really depends on your definition of "product" :)
It's already quite usable by end-users and the rate of development on it is out of this world, but by that same logic, it's quite hard to package it up as a library.
For my purposes I'm just running a SD web UI with an API locally, but at some point I would like a library-like solution that can run on arbitrary GPUs. wonnx is the closest I've seen so far.