@BartWronski @gregmorenz Mm, perhaps - I suppose it really depends on your definition of "product" :)
It's already quite usable by end-users and the rate of development on it is out of this world, but by that same logic, it's quite hard to package it up as a library.
For my purposes I'm just running a SD web UI with an API locally, but at some point I would like a library-like solution that can run on arbitrary GPUs. wonnx is the closest I've seen so far.
@philpax @BartWronski @gregmorenz So in the course of trying to do research on GPU rendering of 2D graphics, I've inadvertently done a lot of research into portable GPU infrastructure. I believe it's possible, and not a massive amount of work, to build compute infra that would run workloads like SD on Metal + DX12 + Vulkan, with something like 1M of binary and no additional complex runtime requirements.
For some reason I haven't been able to figure out, nobody really seems to care.