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Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Let me add some screenshots to show you how to do these things. First, let me show you the notification and list options on my fabulous best pal's page:

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Here's the format to get a RSS feed:



Magess :heart_ace:

@hacks4pancakes So this is for following masto accounts in an RSS reader, not for following RSS feeds within masto, yes?

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@Magess correct. But it makes it a lot easier to index and search!


@hacks4pancakes This is going to bloat the crap out of my Innoreader.

Thanks so much for this.

Alex Gizis

@hacks4pancakes Sorry, what do I then do with the rss feed? Everything it shows i see in the app already, I know you can use it to trigger , but I’m not sure what I would trigeer

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@AlexGizis you would need a RSS reader already to make use of this


@hacks4pancakes @AlexGizis

Thank you both I've been wondering that exact question.

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@CarrieSDickson @AlexGizis we used them culturally a lot more in the aughts and early 2010s, but they are still a great way to receive news feeds and there are lots of free readers available.

Alex Gizis

@hacks4pancakes @CarrieSDickson sure, i haven’t tried it but’s feature where you can follow an rss feed like it’s person seems really cool for pulling things into the fediverse.


@AlexGizis @hacks4pancakes

Wow Alex, I'm dealing with Mastodon at mo, that sounds v advanced. I'll bookmark Friendica, thank you


@hacks4pancakes @AlexGizis

Yes I have been using RSS readers for a long time (been computing since 1970s, I'm v old) and had to move from Google to Feedly.

This makes things absolutely fabulous, thank you!


@hacks4pancakes I wish it were as easy to do that in reverse to inject RSS notifications into your timeline. Maybe someday I'll see if they'll let me do a pull for that. Right now I'm doing it via a cobbled together bot on my instance which does the job.

Michael T Babcock

@hacks4pancakes I didn't know that one, excellent. Especially the tag rss.

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