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Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Y’all, if you’re getting frustrated you’re not seeing the content you want to like news or intel you need on Mastodon, you really need to shift your thinking from algorithmic social media. Follower counts don’t matter much here. Likes do not matter to post reach. Without your interaction, you will just see a live FIFO firehose. Some quick fixes:

Hashtag your posts liberally and consistently, and follow key hashtags of interest to you. Hashtags matter a ton here to being seen.

Follow and also alert on accounts you always want to see content from.

Consider using the built in RSS feature for your feeds and for specific hashtags.

Consider switching to the more advanced UI in your preferences, so you can watch multiple filtered and unfiltered feeds. Or a different mobile app.

Use Fedifinder to follow all the accounts you followed on Twitter, and sync up your follow and block lists.

Avail yourself of the multiple public lists of hundreds of journalist accounts on Mastodon.

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Let me add some screenshots to show you how to do these things. First, let me show you the notification and list options on my fabulous best pal's page:

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

Here's the format to get a RSS feed:



Magess :heart_ace:

@hacks4pancakes So this is for following masto accounts in an RSS reader, not for following RSS feeds within masto, yes?

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@Magess correct. But it makes it a lot easier to index and search!


@hacks4pancakes This is going to bloat the crap out of my Innoreader.

Thanks so much for this.

Alex Gizis

@hacks4pancakes Sorry, what do I then do with the rss feed? Everything it shows i see in the app already, I know you can use it to trigger , but I’m not sure what I would trigeer

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@AlexGizis you would need a RSS reader already to make use of this


@hacks4pancakes @AlexGizis

Thank you both I've been wondering that exact question.

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@CarrieSDickson @AlexGizis we used them culturally a lot more in the aughts and early 2010s, but they are still a great way to receive news feeds and there are lots of free readers available.

Alex Gizis

@hacks4pancakes @CarrieSDickson sure, i haven’t tried it but’s feature where you can follow an rss feed like it’s person seems really cool for pulling things into the fediverse.


@AlexGizis @hacks4pancakes

Wow Alex, I'm dealing with Mastodon at mo, that sounds v advanced. I'll bookmark Friendica, thank you


@hacks4pancakes @AlexGizis

Yes I have been using RSS readers for a long time (been computing since 1970s, I'm v old) and had to move from Google to Feedly.

This makes things absolutely fabulous, thank you!


@hacks4pancakes I wish it were as easy to do that in reverse to inject RSS notifications into your timeline. Maybe someday I'll see if they'll let me do a pull for that. Right now I'm doing it via a cobbled together bot on my instance which does the job.

Michael T Babcock

@hacks4pancakes I didn't know that one, excellent. Especially the tag rss.

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