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Brewster Kahle

The Internet Archive fulfills lots of requests each day (and on holidays/weekends).

Each one takes a person to do it, so we spread it out to staff around the world.

I love that the highest years are the 1990's...

Keeping our cultural memory alive!

Adrian Holovaty

@brewsterkahle I didn’t realize the Internet Archive even *did* inter-library loans — very cool! I’ve got a few things I’ve been meaning to research and will likely be making use of this… Thanks for the post.


@brewsterkahle “lives of great ones all remind us, we can make our lives sublime./ And departing leave behind us, footprints in the sands of time. / Footprints that perhaps another, sailing over life’s solemn main, a ship wrecked and forlorn sailor, seeing may take heart again” — Longfellow (I think)


@brewsterkahle sorry to bother with a (stupid?) Question: what does "ILL" stand for?

Hiroko Hashitani

@brewsterkahle I've just watched a workshop and immediately setup the Custom Group/Custom holdings path to IAILL in our ILLiad. 👍

Morgan Fletcher :vbike:

@brewsterkahle I have an interest in a niche bit of history - the bicycle culture in the San Francisco, CA, USA region 1860 - 1940 -and has been a most helpful resource!


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