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David Chartier

Any folks who work on Mastodon around? Has there been any thought given to the possibility of renaming "toot"? When I try pitching Masto to others, it is often the first objection or reason to dismiss it.

I try to bring up the early objection and dismissal of "tweet," but it doesn't help much.


@chartier Any time I've explained it... which is like twice, I've specified that the internet is supposed to be fun sometimes... and that helped a little.

I also like @Gargron's response: "I don't care if Lance Ulanoff finds it silly"

Eugen Rochko

@kris @chartier I’d lie if I said that the objections haven’t worn me out over the years. I do dream about renaming it.

David Chartier

@Gargron @kris It’s a silly little thing, and I do agree the internet should be fun.

But the fact that it elicits an objection or dismissal *every* time I have a chance to pitch Masto.. makes me worry it’s a bigger issue than I though.

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