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With all the new people, it's time to say hello and mention how #Owncast is looking for people to contribute to the project!

It's an exciting time as some really cool work is going on, and the project is growing along with the rest of the #Fediverse.

If you find this free and open #livestream project interesting and want to be involved, there's never been a better time.

Say hello and find out what part you can play in a project that people think is pretty cool.


@owncast BTW is there any Chance that OC will support activitypub in the long run? IMHo currently streams and recordings are pretty isolated on the Portals itself? :blobcatcaged:


@blub Owncast does support ActivityPub to power its social functionality.

Joseph k

@owncast when I lived in China I was amazed by the quality of live streamed torrents. Seems like a great way to reduce bandwidth costs of steaming. Why aren't streaming torrents bigger here?

Desiree (she/her)

@owncast šŸ‘‹šŸ» Any opportunity for content or community?


@dntowns So much!!! When you have a chance, drop by our chat and ping me and we can chat!


@owncast this looks cool, I will have a look at contributing in a couple of days when Iā€™m home from holiday, Iā€™m mainly a backend dev but also do some frontend React stuff too


@nickkeers That's awesome! We'd love to have your support with both!

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