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David Carroll

I helped take down Cambridge Analytica and trigger the techlash on . Maybe I’m mourning its tragic destruction by helping to build what’s probably next on here. I’ll make mistakes along the way (already have!) but I’m here to learn and make something new and better with folks I admire like you.

Diane 🕵



Just wanted to say. Thank you for contributing to damaging that right wing billionaire propaganda tool.

(Are they destroyed, or did the Mercers reboot it under some other identity)?

Al Ghaff

@profcarroll Thank you for your dedication and determination. Defending and promoting our in 🇬🇧, 🇺🇸 and across the world 🌎 needs advocacy, campaigning, and a lot of hard work.

mary angela perna✅

@profcarroll thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do!

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