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Courtney Stanton

- remember Twitter canoes, those threads of discussion that would grow so long as people got added you eventually couldn’t talk because the characters of the usernames limited what could be said? A healthy platform limits itself. Also a good party knows when to end.

Courtney Stanton

- Everything ends.

- I used to be on Livejournal, have actually partied with Brad due to a random set of coincidences a very long time ago, and I remember when they offered permanent paid accounts thinking “why would I be writing online forever? Who does that after 30?” Lol. Lmao.

Courtney Stanton

- Death is nothing but change.

- When I was very small I used to staple sheets of paper together and cut them into a shape—a square, a heart, a star. And I would fill the pages with long wobbly lines in rows. “Writing.” So the earliest career I ever gave myself was book design. But I have writing before I knew how to write, and I will be doing that in whatever communities and spaces feel comfortable for as long as I’m sufficiently alive.

- What is remembered never dies.

Courtney Stanton

- I don’t think I’m painting with too broad a brush when I say that everyone who works in an office with e-mail dislikes the phenomenon of someone accidentally using the company-wide “carbon copy” instead of “blind carbon copy” to send an announcement, or at least dislikes the long-tail disruption to their inbox.

- …so the continued insistence that people must want one-to-many “engagement” is delusional at best.

Amazing, wandered back around to the original point!

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