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Courtney Stanton

- Death is nothing but change.

- When I was very small I used to staple sheets of paper together and cut them into a shape—a square, a heart, a star. And I would fill the pages with long wobbly lines in rows. “Writing.” So the earliest career I ever gave myself was book design. But I have writing before I knew how to write, and I will be doing that in whatever communities and spaces feel comfortable for as long as I’m sufficiently alive.

- What is remembered never dies.

1 comment
Courtney Stanton

- I don’t think I’m painting with too broad a brush when I say that everyone who works in an office with e-mail dislikes the phenomenon of someone accidentally using the company-wide “carbon copy” instead of “blind carbon copy” to send an announcement, or at least dislikes the long-tail disruption to their inbox.

- …so the continued insistence that people must want one-to-many “engagement” is delusional at best.

Amazing, wandered back around to the original point!

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