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David Chartier

Hey, folks who are customers of a traditional web host (Dreamhost, Namecheap, etc.): If you get a minute, consider asking them nicely if they’re working on adding support for #fediverse apps, #Mastodon probably being the most visible right now. Hopefully with one-click install options like WordPress.

It would be a great way to bring more options to the decentralized web and people who want to use it.

Hat tip to @feditips for helping with this idea.

David :verified:+

@chartier @feditips

Oh, yeah, that'd be an incredible way to set up your own Mastodon. I kinda forgot some hosts have that quick setup option.

David Chartier

@crossdavidl @feditips I’m the type of person who knows just a little enough to be dangerous setting up my own WordPress and troubleshooting low hanging fruit. But I’d rather go with a managed host with one-clicks and customer service.

I already have a host for this, so a one-click Mastodon option is *super* appealing to me.


@chartier @feditips thanks for the nudge. I just emailed Dreamhost to let them know they need to do this.


@chartier @feditips I use namecheap, but I won't buy a hosting anyway, I prefer to be able to administer my own VPS or self-hosted server.

N. Harrison Ripps

@feditips @chartier Love this idea. Do you happen to know if there’s any published info on what the resource usage (network, CPU, RAM, storage) looks like for a small (50 users), healthy (80% active users) Mastodon instance? That’s the kind of info those folks would need to consider for pricing purposes…

Richard Leyton

@chartier @harrison @feditips there’s some interesting work, and graphs from @beasts work on hosting service on/for @Raspberry_Pi

Scroll down a bit for graphs and cats and stats, for extra win.

@chartier @feditips
I'll be sure to say nigger :agooglethumbsup:
Mastodon is for niggers n jews
David Chartier

@feditips To be verbose: This is *not* a spam campaign. Stuff like “I’d totally host with you if you did this!” would probably cause more harm than good.

These need to be organic requests from existing customers. And yes I get the irony of me asking for organic requests. So maybe semi-organic? 😄

Just real requests from customers who have a high chance of actually using the feature if it rolls out, otherwise hosts will think it wasn’t worth the effort and abandon the movement.


@chartier @feditips previously when I asked about installing mastodon I sent dreamhost a link on installing. They saw CLI access and immediately replied with me needing to pay for an account that was $175/month. Heck no.

Hopefully others will nudge them too. But I am ready to switch after 22 years if they don’t.

Mathieu Poussin

@chartier @feditips it’s quite uncommon to see old school shared hosting allowing you tu run persistent process others than Apache unfortunately. (Especially if also need recent distributions to build the dependencies)
You would also need a redis I think for mastodon.

Nikola Kotur

@chartier @feditips We at (I work there) have Mastodon PoC and we'll be offering it probably very soon

Pat Martin

@chartier @feditips I work for one - I'll bring it up at the next company zoom.

Steve Riggins

@chartier @feditips namecheap locked out a user group I belong to because an automatic Wordpress plug-in upgrade ran amok and used too much CPU. Took days to coordinate and get back into the cpanel so they could fix it. Not sure mastodon is fit for them?

Josh Knapp :verified:

@chartier @feditips As someone who has worked for a larger/started a smaller hosting company, I can that especially for the larger hosts, it isn't advantageous for them to devote the time building it out for their environments.

The reason WordPress and other PHP based applications work is it can share the same core services (LAMP for example) as hundreds of other sites without additional overhead.

Then there is the support cost of training and staffing. 1/

Josh Knapp :verified:

@chartier @feditips
Now smaller shops may put some effort in, but they aren't going to have an as big of resources so it may be rough around the edges.

It will take time. I am working on a few ideas of how it could work, but if you are looking for visibility with the bigger companies, it would be better to write a article about how to set it up with them on VPS or dedicated servers. 2/2

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