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@graeme_0 @jasonm and we're still about 5/8ths as backed up as we were at the height of it. Ooopsie πŸ‘€


@trendless @graeme_0 @jasonm I hope I did not break it with following all the people. Just tell me, if I need to back down a bit! πŸ˜…πŸ™ˆ

What kind of hosting package are you running at the moment, if I may ask? Is there some kind of recommended hardware/hosting setup for a Mastodon instance?


@Th0mms3n @graeme_0 @jasonm πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

I'm cheating at the moment, using the excellent service. I had the 'moon' package up until today; skipped 'planet' and went straight to 'star'

Next up is opencollective, patreon, or even just a PayPal account.

After that, @EricCarroll are starting discussions on how to scale this moving forward. Anyone who wants to participate is more than welcome!


@trendless @graeme_0 @jasonm @EricCarroll
Thanks for the info, I'll take a look at it.

Sure, a few bucks per month are totally worth it for me!

I'm really into this topic, but really new to the fediverse, so I just need to research a bit how to best scale and optimize instances. 😊

For a while I guess we're fine, but only future will tell.

Do you see the resource usage of your package somewhere, like a resource allocation of Database, CPU, storage and so on?

@trendless @graeme_0 @jasonm @EricCarroll
Thanks for the info, I'll take a look at it.

Sure, a few bucks per month are totally worth it for me!

I'm really into this topic, but really new to the fediverse, so I just need to research a bit how to best scale and optimize instances. 😊

For a while I guess we're fine, but only future will tell.


@Th0mms3n @graeme_0 @jasonm @EricCarroll mostly just ram, swap, and queue. MH doesn't provide kvm/root/etc access. I've got my hands full just building the community right now, but looking forward to being able to get into the technical stuff again.


@trendless @graeme_0 @jasonm @EricCarroll You're doing a great job! πŸ’ͺ😷

Thanks a lot!

trendless replied to Th0mms3n

@Th0mms3n @graeme_0 @jasonm @EricCarroll Thanks! That's kind of you to say ☺️

Eric's Risk Assessment

@Th0mms3n @trendless @graeme_0 @jasonm seems to no longer be offering new instances ... I wonder why...

trendless replied to trendless

@EricCarroll @Th0mms3n @graeme_0 @jasonm turns out not only did zeroes get (relatively) slammed today, but about 2pm est he had server patching issues. Had to talk with the DC folks to get it fixed. I wonder how much of that contributed to the performance issues today.

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