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Julien Colomb

Never thought Elon Musk would do so much for the adoption of a decentralised infrastructure…

Please Elon, can you buy Elsevier ?


@jcolomb Just tell him they're "silencing conservative voices" and he'll do it 😁


@jcolomb Thank you! I needed that laugh more than I realised.


@jcolomb The Paypal Boys are already networking with the data cartels: RELX was one of the first investors in Palantir and is still cooperating with them, Thomson Reuters too. So there is no need in a buy out when you have it cosy together. Read:


@jcolomb I see people coming here expecting something "better". It could be subjectively terrible.

I see decentralisation simply as the starting point before you can even consider what qualitative improvements you might want to make.

Dilkaran Singh

@jcolomb 😂 . I guess Elsevier will accept a $4.4 billion dollar deal. Fund this time by dumping SpaceX stocks.


@jcolomb he can't, he will have burned his furtune with this birdsiteproject ^^

Hank G ☑️
@jcolomb Ironically that was one of his many greenwashing messages when he bought Twitter. Of course it was BS from the "turning Twitter into a decentralized system" but I'm happy for the effect it has had on the fediverse :). Also that finally the fediverse is getting its day in the sun for decentralization instead of the web3/crypto nonsense that the VCs were trying to make happen.
Lynn Chiu

@jcolomb Someone made that comparison to me today, but the other way around. If academia is still sticking to Elsevier, then that's not sufficient reason to ditch Musk-owned Twitter!

Nika Shilobod

@jcolomb Bizarro timeline where Elon takes out Twitter, crypto, and cult of personality bros in one swing. Based AF.

grob 🇺🇦

Most productive snide comment ever. 🙌


@jcolomb I wonder what’s coming for Facebook? 😉

Dominic Tyer

@jcolomb When you think about it, he's quite the innovator... 😬

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