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Darius Kazemi

@jasontucker @arush it exists! supports it out of the box. I have an instance running at though you won't be able to use it without a login here

Jason Tucker

@darius @arush as mentioned in the video in 2019 did the fork changes you made merge back into the original project?

Darius Kazemi

@jasontucker @arush yes it is just part of gath -- you can use it at right now

Jason Tucker

@darius @arush Awesome, I did my first event and followed the event account as instructed in the video, I didnt get a DM for some reason. hmm..

Jason Tucker

@darius @arush yeah been playing around with this today and added in a new event for our podcast tomorrow. Everything wired but the DM part that is suppose to do the poll. Never got the poll dm

Darius Kazemi

@jasontucker @arush fixed the problem! It is working again over on my server (screenshot attached).

For itself, where your event is hosted, I have submitted a fix but it's going to have to wait for the maintainer of that server to apply it. You can follow the fix here:

Jason Tucker

@darius @arush thanks for that. I knew something was up 😀

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