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Eugen Rochko

@verretor It's an example, you should not take it personally

Michael Folkson

@Gargron @verretor Have you talked anywhere publicly about your approach to censorship @gargron? I listened to your interview on SE Daily. Of course the repo can be forked if your approach to censorship doesn't align with a community's. I'm not entirely sure what happened with Gab though.

Eugen Rochko

@michaelfolkson @verretor My approach to censorship is that I literally don't have any power. I write code, you either use it or you don't or you fork it. The power resides with whoever runs your Mastodon server. I only run and

Michael Folkson

@Gargron @verretor Thanks for the response. That is what I understood too. But what happened in the specific case of Gab? What was the problem there?


@michaelfolkson @Gargron @verretor The example with Gab proves that even if developers of apps implement hardcoded blocklists for instances, working around that is a simple fork away. I don't think you can prove censorship resistance more thoroughly than that.

Michael Folkson

@kekcoin @Gargron @verretor Right, I guess I'm interested in why Gab defederated itself. It looks like they just didn't want people accessing Gab via Mastodon for some reason

Eugen Rochko

@michaelfolkson @kekcoin @verretor They turned federation off because they got made fun of by the fediverse, from both left and right corners. That's my understanding of it.

Juha Ronkainen ☑️ ⚡₿

@Gargron @verretor

Even if it were only an example it offends people in that instance.

I hope you understand this.


@Gargron @verretor If it's just an example, then you should blur it.

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