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J.R Ewing

@Sheril this was how the entire internet used to be. Yes, I'm that old.

Sheril Kirshenbaum

@Politico Me too & I agree. Mastodon reminds me of the early days of being on online forums & blogging.

Patti Dickson, MD (she/her)

@Sheril @Politico I remember online forums as having an unfortunate aspect that certain posters thought their opinions mattered more than others and repeatedly shot anyone else down. Also trolls. I hope this is different from both bird site and forums. I am so far really enjoying building a new follow list of smart people posting great content that I can learn from!

J.R Ewing

@dcksnptrc @Sheril There will always be those - technology neutral, cross-platform - "trolls." They'll troll you when you are sleeping - they'll troll you at your grandma's funeral. (My alma mater: wustl)


@Politico @Sheril In the times where it was used by smart, mature professionals.

Tony Serrata πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

@Politico @Sheril It still is this way, but algorithmic hell has kept people on hellsite platforms and amplifying hateful platforms. So we didn't see the gem that is Mastodon staring us right in the face. Now it's up to us to keep it nice.


@Politico @Sheril

I remember meeting nice people on IRC and ICQ and using webrings to navigate Chrono Trigger fansites 😌 those were the days

J.R Ewing

@ThyGoddess BBS chat boards were something. It was 1988 when I got on. People were helpful, kind and considerate.

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