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6 comments | Expand all CWs
Eebie Abby Obie

@antimnguyen I felt terrible reading this. I can only imagine what it must've felt like to experience.

I hope this clears the air and things get better for him now, because after living through that he deserves it.

Genevieve Routhier

@antimnguyen i could only read the beginning. This is super triggering as it reminds me of too many events. (Not criticizing you at all, well, yes, but the industry and that kind of shit behaviour). Thanks for sharing, I think I’ll read it in a few sittings.



@antimnguyen I'm a quarter of the way through and my mind has already been blown multiple times.


@antimnguyen Man this painful. The thing you realize is how dependent these individual creators are on not pissing off large studios.


@antimnguyen It really sucks what happened to him, such a disrespect for a wonderful artist.

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