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Shawn K. Quinn

@inexcode I know it's a joke but part of me wants that to actually be real.


@skquinn @inexcode play Overwatch 2, you'll see how the joke feels badly rewarded :')

Shawn K. Quinn

@Do @inexcode Actually I did play some Overwatch 2 this weekend at an Extra Life event. So I know where the joke comes from.


@skquinn @inexcode ah shiet it WAS truly the joke?! My bad :blob_cat_oh_no:
Sorry then!


@inexcode I bought the Watchpoint pack, one of the worst purshase I made on this licence.
All the Cyberpunk cosmetics switched in the shop with shitty rewards on a Cyberpunk themed Battlepass.. :blob_cat_angry:


@inexcode omg I'm like "This can't be real" and I am glad to know it isn't lmao

Ghostly Ash

@inexcode i'm not sure if this makes me want to laugh or cry

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@inexcode а это, возможно, не такая и плохая идея - курс молодого бойца в виде ачивок

How soon until @alex add this? I could make some sweet kick emojis.
Alexey Skobkin

@TrackerRoo @inexcode
You already have a blue check. Isn't it enough for you? 😮


@skobkin @TrackerRoo @inexcode blue check is one of the custom emojis u can unlock

TrackerRoo :verified:

@skobkin @raphaelmorgan @inexcode Just put a colon : and verified with another : at the end, no spaces in your username

Alexey Skobkin

@TrackerRoo @raphaelmorgan @inexcode
How much for a colon? I'm not sure if I can afford two at the same time.


@inexcode I love the part where it calls me a Niche internet celebrity for *checks notes* my mutual aid post
(side note tho, the fact that a lot of ppl's most boosted posts are the ones where we're asking for help is kinda sweet)

Горничная тихого места всё-таки не зря привёл друга, теперь Mastodon Gold есть

William Gunn

@inexcode I unironically think this is not only great, but the direction things will need to develop to manage growth.


@inexcode bro they copied fortknife!!!!!!!

@inexcode do you get to upgrade to misskey on the final level?


.oO(yes, I'm german, why do you ask?)

do it till you get it right
@inexcode doesnt mastodon censure hellthreads with >20 people by default?

@inexcode okay but can we please make this real?

Alex Bambury #ActuallyAutistic

@inexcode you see this is how you #monetise a service, unobtrusive subscription, not advertising!

DELETED Misskey really got achievement since then, btw. Calckey didn't :(

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