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Manolo Martínez

@cwebber why is Prodromou not in the fediverse (if indeed he isn't)? Is there a story there?

Christine Lemmer-Webber

@manolomartinez because he keeps meaning to run his own instance before he joins and he keeps not getting around to it :P

Manolo Martínez

@cwebber lol, thanks! I have fond memories of and everything that followed.

Christine Lemmer-Webber

@manolomartinez me too! The number of people who were around for that era are getting proportionally small, though I've also seen many of them re-appearing on the fediverse. But most importantly that's because the fediverse has grown *so much* that those people are just a small part of the fedi's population, which is pretty neat!

Manolo Martínez

@cwebber it was just 10-ish years ago, though! Which is admittedly millennia in internet years

Rigo Wenning

@cwebber @manolomartinez some of them were just in unrelated related circles :)


@cwebber @manolomartinez I miss Evan and this sounds very much on brand for him 😀

The Embodiment of RED :fire_t:

@mcg @cwebber @manolomartinez I miss Evan, too; I came across him on the internet because I used to play a silly click-click web game with his brother, Ted 🙂​

Manolo Martínez

@thraeryn @mcg @cwebber there was a RED Matrix / Zot protocol moment in fediverse history, too. Unrelated to you, I suppose :)

The Embodiment of RED :fire_t:

@manolomartinez Unrelated, but what physical manifestation of a color doesn't like to see a little love in naming? 😅​


@cwebber @manolomartinez Big Knuth vibes on that.

"Hmm, I'm not happy with the options available, I'll make my own protocol!"

That tracks with procrastinating on joining because you don't have your own instance. 😆

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