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Shawn Hooper (he/him)

I installed the ActivityPub plugin on my #WordPress blog, and now if you follow you'll get a toot when I write a new #blog post.

Here's the plugin:

It also adds a screen in wp-admin so you can see who's following you from the Fediverse.

(If you follow me, I blog infrequently, but about #PHP, #Laravel, #WordPress, or miscellaneous tech subjects).

Sandy Kemsley 🇨🇦

@shawnhooper interested to hear how it works out - the plug-in is listed as beta and hasn’t been updated for months, which concerned me

Marcin Szałomski 🥁

@shawnhooper I knew about this feature of ActivityPub, but now, seeing it in action must say it's fantastic. I can follow a Blog HTTP URI address from my Mastodon client. It's findable as "user" from the search 👌​ Awesome!


@shawnhooper For me, I had to search for "@shooper" in my Mastodon search bar to find you within Mastodon to follow you, FYI.

Nick Istre

@perigee @shawnhooper @shooper I find that I can put in the full url (including the `https` into the search bar in the Mastodon app) to get to it and follow.


@nickistre @shawnhooper @shooper Ooh interesting! When I clicked Shawn's link I got an HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error. Which is why I switched to the @ notation.

Shawn Hooper (he/him)

@perigee @nickistre

So... my cheap hosting went down after tooting out that link. That would be the 5xx error you received.

Tim Nolte

@shawnhooper it is a cool thing about the #Fediverse and being able to do this with #WordPress . I had set this up a couple of years ago but never really promoted it as such. I share my blog to Mastodon so I sort of feel like it's redundant. Perhaps I need to separate that more. 🤔

Shawn Hooper (he/him)

@tim Next I want to look more at Pixelfed as a replacement for Instagram. Then being able to follow Pixelfed accounts from Mastodon!

Donncha Ó Caoimh

@shawnhooper I totally forgot about that Followers list. I'm not sure if it's entirely accurate. On my multi-site, my two blogs both show the same 30 followers!

Shawn Hooper (he/him)

@donncha Yeah... that could be a bug. Good to know. Don't know it has multisite support.

Donncha Ó Caoimh

@shawnhooper I don't think it does really. You have to activate it on each site separately. I guess the wp rewrite rules get updates when activated. I should help with that.

My own blog post about it is on my instance at :)

Kuma Chan

@shawnhooper neat let us know how it goes with that plugin that's pretty cool

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@shawnhooper can you follow and read other people using this plugin, cand respond to them?

Alexey Skobkin

@drq @shawnhooper
No. It only supports publishing posts and receiving comments.

But this plugin isn't stable at all and sometimes comments are just lost.

It's installed on my site too. I think you even tried to comment some time ago:

But importing profile and posts is working fine I guess:

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