@cascode @LottieVixen @er1n yep, pretty much that (I got weird lag on this status 🤷 )
first image is an example of a flame graph from the QML profiler; you can see that the majority of total time was spent updating a binding (and, amusingly, there's no sub-operation inside it). you can then look at the timeline to see what that looks like over time, which is useful for analyzing things like "what's causing jank" etc and getting an idea of what that 51.7% of time spent means in terms of frame budget
FlameScope does look cool, I just don't know how to integrate it yet :P
first image is an example of a flame graph from the QML profiler; you can see that the majority of total time was spent updating a binding (and, amusingly, there's no sub-operation inside it). you can then look at the timeline to see what that looks like over time, which is useful for analyzing things like "what's causing jank" etc and getting an idea of what that 51.7% of time spent means in terms of frame budget
FlameScope does look cool, I just don't know how to integrate it yet :P
@ninjawedding it has perf(1) support 👀