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Ernie Smith

I have started a pop-up newsletter about #Mastodon. It’s called #HowToMastodon. I will publish in the mornings usually, but give the first issue a look over this way:

Ernie Smith

This will replace my usual newsletter, MidRange, for at least this week. I gave it a dedicated banner.

What's it to you?

@ernie Really good article; I hadn't even considered I was making the assumption of fitting in with how I identify myself with an existing instance's community vibe. We're all told to choose one of the join buttons, but not how that obliges us!

Ernie Smith

@alltherum There is an opportunity to improve this. I think the strategy is not to lead with the servers but to lead with the user’s interests or their location. That’s how GeoCities did it nearly 30 years ago.

Raymond K

@ernie Thanks for writing this! Much appreciated (I joined Mastodon on Friday myself). For me, the choice of a server was easy - is an instance for people who identify with the city of Oslo, the capital of Norway. And @matt who runs it seens like a decent guy. Of my different interests, what should I choose an instance based on? I am in favor of a more eclectic social media presence. // Thanks again, I will follow your work noving forward :)

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