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KBLeecaster ✅

@Voline @Sheril
I hope to see more airline pilots with no training nor experience flying commercial passenger planes too, but that doesn't mean that's necessarily a good thing.


Not remotely comparable. Piloting is a highly technical job.

George Orwell, Ambrose Bierce, Jacob Riis … never went to University. But they had experienced poverty and so could write about it with insight and empathy.

What's a journalism degree worth? My BA is in economics. Maybe reporting that touches on the subject (basically everything) wouldn't be so facile, naive or empty if they'd studied it, or some other social science, rather than the triangle intro paragraph.

KBLeecaster ✅

Alex Jones and Joe Rogan certainly have managed to get a lot of attention without journalism degrees so I don't see the problem that you seem to that there are not enough voices from outside perspectives, but whatever. Best of luck on your endeavors I reckon.

🌻Kate a eu jusqu'à ici avec 💩

No. It's not equivalent but it's not irrelevant. A journalism degree is worth quite lot as we can see by imlact of media overrun by untrained "journalists" Newspapers have been laying off their reporters right and left since the '80s and most have gone out of business. A lot of the "reporter" on TV and online have general communications degrees at best valued for their ability to entertain


@Voline @GreenFire As someone with a journalism degree and awards, I can confirm that even with that piece of paper the more privileged journalists will then say, "Well, we don't think your journalism school is as good as our journalism schools."

We're talking about a First Amendment righ (in the U.S.) here. Barriers to entry are just that: Barriers.

One of the most successful mainstream journalists I know quit college a semester before graduating.

Burn your barriers.



Would we have had 60 years of reporters treating the assertions of policemen as gospel if they weren't candy asses who went from suburban high school to college to newsroom? I doubt it.

KBLeecaster ✅

In journalism school I think they may teach that counterfactuals are not evidence of anything, but idk.



I would have more faith in the ability of J-school graduates to evaluate evidence if thousands of them hadn’t tried to sell the public absolutely transparent lies about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction and relations with Al Queda.

KBLeecaster ✅

I personally don't think that you are giving the national security apparatus enough credit in your denunciation of the journalism trade there. I certainly see many shortcomings in the news industry though I wouldn't go so far as to call every major organization fake news. As always the "truth" is written between the line so you've got to read a lot of lines to get it I suppose.

Heck as a longtime climate activist I have seen the media fail miserably, but no one's perfect. I think that they still provide a valuable service personally. The Tucker Carlson types' service is valuable too. Just that it is valuable to my mortal foes so I'm not a fan.

I personally don't think that you are giving the national security apparatus enough credit in your denunciation of the journalism trade there. I certainly see many shortcomings in the news industry though I wouldn't go so far as to call every major organization fake news. As always the "truth" is written between the line so you've got to read a lot of lines to get it I suppose.



Not all. The McClatchy newspapers were conspicuous in the skepticism and quality of their coverage of the drive to war. The fact that they were able to present so much evidence contrary to the Bushites assertions, evidence that was excluded from the majority of respectable news outlets, gives the lie to the excuse that the poor reporters were taken in by the security state.



They were either fools, incompetents, or opportunists none of which speaks well of the value of J-school training.

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