If I was a parliamentary government structure I would simply not allow law proposals to be about more than one topic at a time
If I was a parliamentary government structure I would simply not allow law proposals to be about more than one topic at a time 8 comments
@Gargron Probably not as simple as you think. But they could put a page limit on it, or at least mandate days per pages at some ratio to read and consider the bill before voting. I wish I could think of a better way to get at what we'd both like to accomplish. Maybe if at the outset you could say, this bill for covid relief can have no foreign aid in it? @Gargron hello yes I like this (except when there’s the occasional COVID emergency omnibus thing needs passing in a hurry). @Gargron They have no incentive to change it and won't until people finally, if ever, get them out of office. @Gargron In the 90s the US had a "line item veto" that allowed the President to remove all the bullshit add ons slipped into spending bills (where most BS is hidden). It was challenged as "unconstitutional" and removed. The result is COVID relief bills will lots of gravy for the rich, and only $600 for everyone else. The US needs a parliamentary government. Only 2 parties will doom democracy.
except if you want to tack on a rider to that bill: $30 million of taxpayer money to support the Perverted Arts.