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Andrew Tropin

Let's help Protesilaos Stavrou find a job.

If you are not familiar with him yet, he is a fantastic #emacs and foss contributor, author of modus themes, philosopher, b/vlogger and overall great humble hard-working man.

Boosts are very welcome.

Ben Evans

@abcdw I have a couple of ideas. E.g. I'm involved with a free, part-time code school here in Barcelona which would be entirely compatible with bar / shop work while he was studying. That way he could convert his obvious (& impressive) existing tech skills into something more marketable while still earning. So - is he here & if not, what's the best way to reach out?

Tobias Fiebig

@abcdw I am always terminally amazed by the ability of some people in the OSS world to extremely undersell their skills and abilities...

Let's hope there is an org willing to sponsor work for the community.

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