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html support put/patch/delete in your fucking forms challenge


hmmm today i will make a standard markup format for http web pages and design it to not make full use of the standard


it would be extremely cool to have a site that uses content negotiation to use the exact same endpoints for both the user-facing site/apis/etc, though i suspect that that would not be easy to work with design-wise

Eugen Rochko

@bclindner Create an API and then put a React app on top, the Mastodon way.


@Gargron i think that's the "every modern app" way - it works, but i find it's like taking a comically sized mallet to a single nail codebase-wise

i still have to constantly field dependabot PRs for crap i made years ago because of the npm dependency hell. the horror, the horrorrrrrrr

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