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The Air Whisperer

@FediFollows @kcarruthers

Thanks for circulating this...!

Although STS (science & technology) and History of Science are interesting, my field is specifically Aero

(or fluids more generally)

- is there some way to find a community

(I don't mean a separate server...)

who are talking about that...?


@Pneumofoils @FediFollows there is always the #histodons hashtag (but the engineers will surely pop up soon)

The Air Whisperer

@kcarruthers @FediFollows


The hashtag thing should be useful, but I can't see a searchbox to type them into. I've improvised by sometimes tapping on the ones I put in my pinned toot, but 'aviation' brings up a list populated by just my toot...!

'Aerodynamics' does better, but has only shown me toots from people who alight on it in passing.

History of Science could be good; I'm likely to mention Phlogiston a lot...

And yes, engineers

- but they can be a 'mixed blessing'...


hey folks can anyone connect @Pneumofoils with folks who are into #engineering #aero #FluidDynamics - they are trying to find their peeps. Boosts would be helpful - thanks 🙏


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