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bouncepaw 🍄

Append-only systems are wrong. If something has been added, it should be possible to remove it.

Am I right that IPFS is an append-only system? If so, then I don't like it. Git also encourages append-only workflow. Luckily, it has --force that lets me fix my three mirrors.


@bouncepaw IPFS is content-addressed. So, changing the content changes the address. There's some sort of DNS-like called IPNS which allows for mutable named pointers, so to speak. I don't think *that* is append only, but I'm not terribly familiar with it.


@bouncepaw I'd like to challenge the notion that append only is wrong

you can't undo words, you offer an apology
you can't undo broken, you replace or fix
you can't undo creation, only reaffirm it was better than nothing

append only is the default state of reality, and the magic of thinking sand has conned into thinking otherwise

append only as a way of being is generally better imo


@bouncepaw That's why I hesitated to use Fossil for the longest time, despite liking it otherwise. But their reasoning for going that way convinced me. It can be done right.

bouncepaw 🍄

@felix oh, so Fossil is immutable? Didn't know that. My hesitation is their lack of mobile UI for the web tool.


@bouncepaw Commits are, other things not so much.

🐡 la ninpre 🍄
@bouncepaw it has an option to purge data, but it's intended to be used only in case of, for example, accidental leaks of sensitive data or in similar situations.
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